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maryportfuncity last won the day on March 30

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About maryportfuncity

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    On the ground; Kent. In my head; Cumbria.

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  1. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    BBC chart at the moment has the Tories in THIRD place on seats won, four behind the Lib Dems (who've gained 25 seats whilst the Tories have lost 150) - so any claims about the mayoral victory are just third polishing (heh heh, see what I did there!)
  2. maryportfuncity

    Dead Pop Stars

    Leaf Label reporting Joseph Dierker dead - obit here: https://funerals.coop/obituaries/joseph-dierker.html
  3. maryportfuncity

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    More a reminder than a discovery, but as the Let it Be movie (1970) gets a reboot following the television series that mined all the footage it's dragging director Michael Lindsay-Hogg (seen here on the right in 1944) back into the newsfeeds. So much so, in fact, maybe the fact he turns 84 on Sunday might get mentioned too.
  4. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Aye, well, either way - the mayoral stuff is bucking the overall trend so when the dust settles on yesterday's shit storm for the Tories they'll come out swinging as much as they can claiming the mayoral stuff as a success, that'll spike any remaining rebels in parliament so there won't be a move to oust Sunak, he'll seek to hang on in the hope of turning things round, which won't succeed very well, and as autumn heads into winter we'll go to the polls in the pouring rain and deliver the worst election result for the Conservatives in living memory. Or summat. That's my best guess anyway - coffee and a warm scone beckons
  5. maryportfuncity

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Yeah, no discussion of cause so you're suspecting suicide until told different. As I recall it, years ago we discussed the tonnage of cricket suicides and I just checked again about a book on that subject, published in 2001. Point being I don't recall a book about suicides in any other major sport.
  6. maryportfuncity

    UFOs, Space Aliens and the like

    What if, the most popular beliefs (like that discussed in the post above) are largely bollocks but the phenomena are still very real. Here's a few possibilities discussed with enough book covers/names mentioned for anyone keen on following up:
  7. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Quite a CV, hadn't really paid him much attention previously - so, a shoo-in for the celebrity jungle, as and when, then.
  8. maryportfuncity

    Football Manager Sacking Bingo 3

    Yeah, he wasn't in when this game started
  9. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Yousaf likely did the right thing, though the choices weren't attractive. Giving a deal to Alba would have been giving legitimacy to an outfit so low in the Scottish polls they often get classed with "others" - likely to be a bit scrappy in that territory for a wee while now!
  10. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Okay, good point - summat of a pile on, though maybe once he's gone and the problems remain it'll make it harder for any racists to throw that particular angle into the discussions.
  11. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Let's assume the BBC site isn't - yet - run by racist bots The SNP need a new leader, then: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-68918348 All candidates form an orderly queue, or summat!
  12. maryportfuncity

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Maybe to resign - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-68918348
  13. maryportfuncity

    Dead Pop Stars

    Here's my "statement" sounds a bit portentous - he could have just said: "this is what's going on" Aye, good spot - might keep an eye on this one.
  14. maryportfuncity

    Brian Wilson

    Plenty of pictures appearing on the social media feed - I'm thinking the new trainers (usually good for about 500 miles) are maybe a touch over-ambitious given the mobility of the two older ones in the photo

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